Hilda’s story (or rescuing a rescue)

This is the story of Hilda, the rescue hen who had to be rescued again. About a week after we brought the Warrens to the Food Forest Garden it started to become apparent that one was being picked on. It was easy to identify the victim, she spent most of her time...

Bolting Radishes? Don’t despair!

My radishes have gone over. Again. This is a fairly common occurrence. I usually plant too many radishes at once and I rarely remember to plant in succession. Invariably, when I want them they aren’t ready and once they’re ready I don’t want them....

Kirsty’s Garden

My vegetable patch is looking rather unkempt at the moment. It looks OK from a distance. Up close, you’ll spot grass growing through the perennial kale, nettles peeping out of the hedge, leeks about to flower, bolting radishes and borage seedlings in the path....

Time for introductions…

Hello!A very warm welcome to the RavenCroft blog: we’re so excited to show you around!We just wanted to introduce ourselves and explain a little bit about what we’ve been up to.This is Clair, and I’m Kirsty. We’re just two mums who one day...

Seasonal ideas: Pesto

When you’re growing your own food, you quite often end up with large quantities of a certain food all at once. For me this week, it was salad rocket. I love rocket but there is definitely a limit to how much I can eat. So I decided to make rocket pesto. Most...