Making the Impossible Possible

About Us

We are Clair and Kirsty, two friends with a dream of owning farms and a passion for sustainable living. We’re turning our dream into a reality right here in our community.

Into The Future

Our vision and aims for Ravencroft are expanding all the time. We want to see more people join in with us, and benefit from high-quality nutrituous food and a common sense of purpose.

Our Story

From Backyard Hens to Community Gardens

It all started with a desire for clean, organic, chemical-free food. Clair began
raising hens for eggs and growing as much food as possible in her garden.
Meanwhile, Kirsty had a thriving permaculture garden, buzzing with wildlife and
demonstrating sustainable practices.
Combining our efforts, Kirsty taught Clair the principles of permaculture, and
together, we transformed our approach. We built a chicken coop in a friend’s
unused garden, adopted four rescue chickens, and started selling the surplus
eggs to our local cafe and neighbours. Seeing the potential, we expanded further
by turning the rest of our friend’s garden into a permaculture paradise using no
dig principles and sustainable resources.

Expanding Our Vision

As word spread, more neighbours expressed interest in having similar gardens.
We have now got more hens in another garden, and garden number 3 is
underway. All designed to thrive on sustainability and community principles.
These gardens will provide high-quality nutrition through homegrown food and
eggs and foster a sense of connection among residents in this lowincome

Farming Without A Farm

Our driving force behind all our decisions is simple: it’s FUN! We believe that
farming without a farm is not only possible but a joyful and rewarding
experience. This is our innovative idea until we can actualise our dream of
owning our own farms.



Read more about our story and keep up-to-date by reading our Blog.

Get Involved

Have a look at the things you can do to be a part of the movement.


Have a look at all the hens that make up our current stock.

Stay Connected

Keep in touch by following us or getting in touch with us on social media.