A very warm welcome to the RavenCroft blog: we’re so excited to show you around!

We just wanted to introduce ourselves and explain a little bit about what we’ve been up to.

This is Clair, and I’m Kirsty. We’re just two mums who one day decided it was time to start making the dreams, that we’d talked about so often, into reality. We began asking questions and following the whispers.

What if we could raise healthy, happy chickens and sell high quality eggs?

In late April, we started work in a friend’s garden, preparing for the arrival of four rescue hens. It was fun and fast but it quickly became evident that this wasn’t “big” enough. Six weeks in and Chelsie’s Garden is now a fledgling food forest with six hens, a compost bin and the beginnings of a seating area. Three other gardens are in progress and the opportunities and possibilities keep expanding.

And RavenCroft? RavenCroft is Clair’s farm. Choice by choice, piece by piece it is taking physical form and it is one of the driving forces behind this whole project.

There’s so much more to share, but we’ll save it for another post.

– Having way too much fun!